The Project

Transform a conference to serve a community

Using the organization’s new branding, I created a visual and interactive space that brought impactful design to life. Not only was the space transformed but also allowed the Myotonic community to interact with the brand in thoughtful and meaningful ways. The installations included: photo booths, banners - where those impacted by the disease could share their stories, “fast facts” posters, gene string column covers, and an interactive “My Passport” raffle experience that encouraged engagement. Overall, putting people first was the differentiator, could not be more thrilled by how this conference design turned out.


Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation




Art Direction & Design

Campaign Concepts

With post conference brand launch momentum, new print and Out-of-home campaign concepts were pitched to the board of directors. Two concept directions were developed to influence viewers. The first took a data driven approach, shedding light on the commonality of the disease by localizing data to match the ad placement. The second direction brought light to ways the disease has effected patients lives through intimate portraiture and real handwriting.